Aluminiumindustriens Miljøsekretariat - AMS
AMS was established 1st March 1976. Four companies with 10 primary aluminium smelters in Iceland, Sweden and Norway and 1 aluminium refinery in Norway are to-day part of AMS.
AMS Aluminium is a project-oriented organization, seeking to achieve its goals/mission for the members by initiating projects in the areas of work environment, emissions and effects on humans and ecosystems. The General Assembly is the supreme body of AMS. It is a venue for plant directors and employee representatives of companies, and representatives from senior management, to meet. Board of 9 members oversees AMS daily operations. Composed of one manager and one employees’ representative from all 4 pillars (Alcoa Norway, Hydro Aluminium, Icelandic smelters and other smelters) and one HSE specialist. |
Aluminium is an important part of the solution for sustainability, benefitting the environment of the world.
AMS has the vision of continuously improving health, safety and environmental footprint in and around the aluminium plants in the Nordic countries, through best practice sharing and innovation. This will be achieved through an active and transparent joint partnership among plant management, employees and other stakeholders. AMS will be an center of sharing reliable health, safety and environmental information among the members and externally, both to professionals and the general public. AMS will grow to be the center of HSE information in the aluminum industry in our region. Information gathered from our projects and knowledge from our member smelters. |